Case in point - muffins! Last month I loved muffins, I dreamed about muffins, I looked at recipes, stalked Pinterest for pictures, I talked about the best ingredients to anyone who would listen , I consumed at least 2 muffins a day and constantly arranged special deliveries. I was a true muffin connoisseur for exactly 23 days. Today I could care less!
This month it's all about the muffins better looking, more sophisticated and elegant cousin - the glorious Cupcake.
Seeing how my enthusiasm is at an all-time high I decided to share some of the things that I obsessed about this June! I honestly can't endorse these things enough.
1. My new Omorovicza skin care routine
I talked about this before and it was featured quite heavily in my skincare haul so it's really no surprise that it ended up on this list. I am waiting to test all the bits and pieces a little bit longer before reviewing them but I am happy to report that after a few bumps, my face is now glowing enough to actually receive compliments. That's a really big deal for me so even though I am still a little cautious, I am seriously thinking that I've finally found "the one" for me.
I talked about this before and it was featured quite heavily in my skincare haul so it's really no surprise that it ended up on this list. I am waiting to test all the bits and pieces a little bit longer before reviewing them but I am happy to report that after a few bumps, my face is now glowing enough to actually receive compliments. That's a really big deal for me so even though I am still a little cautious, I am seriously thinking that I've finally found "the one" for me.
2. Subscription Box Reviews
There are so many subscription boxes out there now, that it seems to me you can have anything you heart desires stuffed in a cardboard box (or envelope) and delivered by your jolly neighborhood postman no matter where you might be.
I had dabbled in a few disappointing beauty box subscriptions in the past, all before I realized I was extremely picky when it comes to my products and basically a control freak. Based on those experiences I kind of gave up on the whole idea, thinking the whole subscription trend will retire as soon as the novelty idea runs its course.
Obviously I was ridiculously wrong.
Lately I have found myself reading some new box reviews and realized that the subscription fad has seriously stepped up its game. There are boxes for snackers, foodies, makeup queens, nail polish enthusiasts, candy addicts, environmentalists, tea appreciators...the list goes on and on. Overwhelming to say the least!
Knowing my personality (ms.picky) I am still very hesitant but I would be lying if I wasn't attracted to some of the lifestyle (Popsugar, Seasons, Conscious), foodie (Knoshbox, Fancy Food, Taste Trunk) and healthy snack (Bestowed, Naturebox, Healthy Surprise) boxes. A lot of times I am disappointed that said box do not deliver to Canada or charge a huge shipping fee for Canuck deliveries. Luckily that terrible trend seems to be changing. I am still searching for that perfect box for me and I am bound to find it at the mecca of all subscription boxes here.
3. Bad reality shows -Big Brother & The Bachelorette

I completely understand that its trash TV and I am painfully aware that I am just wasting my brain cells by worrying whether or not Desiree will give the rose to the right guy or if the power of veto will change the nominations in the Big Brother house. I know its dumb and that its insane to take stuff like that personally but I do! I do, every single summer I do!

I completely understand that its trash TV and I am painfully aware that I am just wasting my brain cells by worrying whether or not Desiree will give the rose to the right guy or if the power of veto will change the nominations in the Big Brother house. I know its dumb and that its insane to take stuff like that personally but I do! I do, every single summer I do!
4. Cupcakes
As i already mentioned, last month's food of choice was the hearty muffin, which I loved a little too much so it finally lost its coveted spot to the elegant, dainty cupcake. It comes in so many flavors, colors and decorations. Essentially the perfect storm of cuteness and yuminess for somebody like me. Did i mention the sprinkles? It usually comes with sprinkles - my kryptonyte!
5. Juicy Couture

I know that Juicy Couture is not everyone's cup of tee - actually I think they are one of the most polarizing brands in the fashion industry. People either adore their youthful spirit, kitschy trendy designs, wild logos and the infamous "Juicy" velour sweatsuits or are convinced that the brand is one of the tackiest things to ever come out of the glamorous USA. Personally I love them , maybe a little less than I did years ago but still Juicy just makes me happy.
I don't know if its because summer has arrived or because I just feel a little more youthful these days but my old Juicy Couture daydreamer has been making a regular appearance in my daily wardrobe. It inspired me to pull out my juicy jewelry as well - charms included.
I might make this Fixation list a regular monthly occurrence because I know that someday soon I will wake up and be repulsed by cupcakes, the Juicy bag will be replaced by the Chanel one and Big Brother will switch to Honey Boo Boo. I am pretty fickle when it comes to these things
What have you been obsessing about?
P.S. If you enjoyed this post and want some more Princeza Beauty Musings, please consider following me through GFC, Bloglovin, Pinterest or Twitter! Insert "happy dance" here :-)